Monday, February 22, 2010


It's only been a week, but the change seems pretty dramatic (to me, at least!). I am officially too big for my regular pants, and I have resorted to leggings and maternity pants (the maternity pants are actually still big on me, but are SO much more comfortable than my regular pants at this point...stretchy is good!). I am officially in my second trimester - "they" say that I should start to get some of my energy back and I am SO ready for that to happen. According to my books, the baby is about the size of a lemon this week. I love how they use fruit as a measurement, but it actually makes it much easier to visualize!

On another note, I told my work last week that I was pregnant. As nervous as I was (and as guilty as I feel about the timing), my boss was nothing but supportive - not that I was truly surprised. I am fortunate to work with such great people. I guess the news is officially official now!


  1. Can I start picking up maternity clothes for you yet? :) :)

  2. Yes...if you can find some decent ones...I won't stop you! Seems that people feel that pregnant women want to wear a lot of polyester :)

  3. Wow, you're actually beginning to look pregnant! Mom
