We had our anatomy scan on Thursday. Everything looks healthy...and we found out we are having a precious baby girl. We were thrilled to know everything looks good - and I'm thrilled to be able to start shopping :) It was so exciting to see her moving during the ultrasound. She was quite active - I loved seeing her pull her legs up and see her with her hands move up and down by her head (the "talking on the phone" position as our ultrasound tech told us...uh oh!...typical girl!).
I still haven't felt her move (at least nothing completely definite - some movements that I may just be confusing with digestive issues!) but we were assured it is nothing to worry about and should happen soon. After seeing all of the movements in the scan, I am anxious to feel her moving around in there.
We need new momma belly shots. Can't wait to see my new granddaughter!! Love you! Mom